The secrets to stargazing from your backyard Learning holidays

I just wanted you to know the names and that not all optical tubes are the same. The price for an item/offer must be listed and valid at the time of match. We reserve the right to verify a competitor’s advertised price and the availability of the item. In addition, we spoke with Margaret McCrea, president of Rose City Astronomers of Portland, Oregon, a nonprofit group that supports the public in pursuit of education and interests in astronomy. We also spoke with Greg Jones, another member of that organization and president of Eclipse Technologies.
Detailed observations of many binary star systems were collected by astronomers such as Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve and S. W. Burnham, allowing the masses of stars to be determined from the computation of orbital elements. The first solution to the problem of deriving an orbit of binary stars from telescope observations was made by Felix Savary in 1827.[90]
In 1847, Maria Mitchell discovered a comet using a telescope. From here, just go with as big a Dobsonian as you can afford and can realistically carry/transport. Many of these will be Dobsonians with extra features like “push to” or even “go to” systems, but that adds complexity and cost.
There are very specific and involved ways to clean the lenses and mirrors and it’s not recommended unless you absolutely have to and absolutely know exactly what you are doing. When using a telescope, no matter how big, stars will look like stars. Stars are just too far away for telescopes to resolve (see more clearly/get more detail). There have been more than 60 scientific papers published as a result of these volunteering efforts.
The tabletop Dobsonian mount, a simplified alt-azimuth mount, is steady and smooth, and it works well when the OneSky telescope is sitting on a table or some other solid platform. Orienting the telescope is as intuitive as it gets because you just push on the optical tube; it takes very little physical strength. This swiveling mount has an integrated handle for easy carrying, and in our experience it proved reasonably stable and smooth when we searched for objects in the night sky. This planetarium in your pocket makes it easy to discover the wonders of space wherever you go. Day or night, just aim your device skyward to see a live 3D map of the heavens, complete with beautifully illustrated constellations, stars, planets, and satellites. A special night mode helps you read the map in the dark, while integrated weather reports show the best times for stargazing.
A moon filter is inexpensive, and screws onto the barrel of standard telescope eyepieces. If you have 1.25” barrel eyepieces, then buy a 1.25” Moon Filter. There are also Discover good telescopes for seeing planets with from the comfort of your own home. for larger barreled 2” eyepieces. This inexpensive, simple disc displays the night sky for a range of latitudes, including the constellations and more prominent celestial objects. By aligning the date with the time, you can quickly see which constellations are going to be up at any given moment. An optical finder is a small telescope that is held onto the top of the main telescope with a finder bracket.
So many books include beautiful Hubble Space Telescope photos, but that is not what you are going to see in your telescope. You can view the Sun with any telescope, but you MUST have a solar filter on the scope that covers the entire opening on the front of the scope. Just as with nighttime “seeing”, we are limited by how much magnification we can use during the day because we are looking through air.